Royal Marines Flag (napoleonic wars)

Includo le immagini delle bandiere dei Royal marines Britannici così come mi sono state inviate dal "Royal Marines Museum" al quale ho chiesto consulenza in merito. Nella pagine delle NapFlag, metterò la mi elaborazione per la stampa di quella del 1810.

Vorrei anche citare il messaggio d'accompagnamento della curatrice del museo che ringrazio ancora per la gentlezza:
"The Marines colours were presented in 1760 and then again in 1810. They were held in the divisions of the Marines (Chatham, Plymouth , Portsmouth ).
I’ve spoken to our archivist about the use of colours, and they didn’t often take the colours on campaigns with them, unless it was a long sustained campaign, such as the American War of Independence. Often they went ashore as ships detachments, thus not taking regimental colours.  
It does however depend on the battle. In Buenos Aires in 1806, for example, the Royal Marines made up their own hand made colours to take with them.
I’ve attached images of both the 1760 and 1810 colours in case this is of use."
